Staff Picks - Back to Work
Round two in our "Meet Topo Designs" series catches up with folks in the Marketing and Operations departments, and also features a chat with co-founder Jedd Rose. Missed the first part? Check it out here to get caught up.

Jedd - Co-founder of Topo Designs who started this wild ride by sewing custom backpacks in his basement. An angler at heart, he’s happiest on the water, whether it’s knee-deep in a stream or paddling down the river in his Oru kayak.

Where are 3 places you’d love to travel?
1. Madagascar - I’d not only love to see all the endemic species that live there, but would love to fly fish off the coast.
2. Maine - I’ve never been and never spent much time on the northern east coast but love what I have seen of the outdoor/fishing culture there. And, well, you know LOBSTER.
3. Sweden - Never been as well and have always wanted to do some digging into my family history there along with just taking in all the amazing Scandinavian landscape and design goodness.
Currently listening to?
A newer album I’ve been listening to is Dan Croll. He’s a really interesting mix of styles, genres and I love the waves of intensity on many of the tracks. I’ve also been digging back into a bunch of old Stanley Turrentine.
Any tasty new food discoveries?
Omusubi - We tend to make sushi rice all the time at our house for a variety of things, so being able to make these quick rice balls and cover them with furikake is just awesome.

Which bag are you currently carrying?
The Stack Pack is my current go-to Topo Designs bag. It works great as a daily carry to and from work but I have also been using it for short travel. I can throw one of our Pack Bags with clothing and a Dopp Kit in the main compartment and then put an Accessory Bag, Anorak and iPad in the front compartment for easy access while walking around or on the plane.

Rick - Our Brand Manager. With a background in design and advertising, he spends his time chasing his two girls around, plotting the next family camping trip with his wife Kate, or planning his next bike ride (or cyclocross race) in Colorado's beautiful outdoor playground.
Tell us a little-known fact about you:
I bought my first real tennis racket by winning a miniature golf course hole design competition. The hole was a tulip (pedals were the sand traps!).

Did you have a specific dream job as a kid?
It was an even split between an Olympic sprinter and a private investigator (code name: FROGGER).
What’s a favorite new discovery for you?
My new (used) truck.

Which Topo Designs bag are you using right now?
The Commuter Briefcase is a great everyday bag during the week, and with the stowable backpack straps, it’s versatile enough for my bike commute. Also can act as the perfect quick overnighter on the weekends.

Lee - Our main man behind operations and an OG employee from back when the Topo Designs doors first opened. When he’s not dropping by and catching up with our manufacturers, he likes to get his relaxation on with a visit to Valley View Hot Springs, a favorite spot near Salida, CO.
What new music do you have on repeat?
The new Arcade Fire album "Everything Now." The namesake track that opens the album sounds just like ABBA and makes you want to dance at your desk.

What are you double-tapping on Instagram?
Helen Levi - @helen_levi I can’t take my eyes off her beautiful ceramics, and she seems to have something new to show off almost every day.

What Topo Designs bag are you carrying around?
The Y-Pack, because it’s the perfect size for everything I need at work: computer, notebook, lunch, water bottle. It’s also small enough to not get in the way, and straps on to my Travel Bag when I hit the road to use as a daypack. I can wear it biking, hiking and throw it in the back of the car for the drive, too.

Abby - Digital marketing pro by day and (amateur) seamstress by night. She’s currently training for her first marathon, so most of her time is spent running (or talking about running to anyone who’s not sick of hearing about it).
Favorite new discovery?
It’s not new to most people, but I recently got on the bandwagon of the KonMari method after reading "The Magical Art of Tidying Up." I feel like a crazy person, but I literally tell everyone I know about how incredible it is. I live in a pretty tiny house so it helps keep me sane.

Favorite travel spot?
I went to Copenhagen a few years ago and am still dreaming about moving there. The people, history, food and overall culture were amazing. Someday I’ll have a little cottage there near the modern art museum in Humlebaek and ride my cruiser everywhere I go.
Which is your go-to Topo Designs pack?
The Rover Pack is my current favorite bag. It’s small enough that I don’t feel like a pack-mule biking to work, but still manages to easily fit my laptop, lunch, clothes and shoes for a lunchtime run. Plus, I love all the bright color-blocked shades to choose from.